Tuesday, September 25, 2007


ANGRY........that was my feelings when i was checking my mail and saw these pictures.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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It's just damn fucki
ng stupid of people killing animals or hurting them just for no fucking reasons.I do not see the point in people killing other living things for no reasons.I understand killing animals for food but what is the point in torturing them slowly and then kill these poor animals.I suppose some humans just don't have compassion for anything but themselves.Try imagining yourself or maybe your closed one being tortured in front of you or maybe being broad casted to the whole globe.I am sure you will be angry and REVENGE is the only word in your mind at that moment....I know i do.Curse those people that like the feeling of torturing animals just for the fun.I hope the rest of the world will despise this breed of human.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow.. angry. D d 2nd last pic was the hunting of seals la. They hav to do it for food.