When I was a small brat, I always idolized the Power Rangers and i watched every season that they showed on TV .From Ninja Storm,Wild force to Time Force....OH yes....i do still remember them.Its a pity to give up what u enjoyed even though you are all grown up.Power Rangers was,is and will be a part of my life's history.Even when i was in kindergarten, i remembered being teased for pretending to be a member of this monster fighting team, but i stood my ground and believed that a Power Ranger do not give up and should stand up whenever they fall.This is something good about Power Rangers.

When i was a small brat, i loved candies...all kind of candies.From gummies to hard candy.How can any kids despise sweets or candies.It is like the main reason for a kid to live.I loved candies so much that i don't actually suck on it but instead crunch and bite it.I love breaking it into smaller pieces and swallow it.I know its bad for your teeth and stuff but i was a little brat that time, and i am one damn stubborn brat.Hahaha...especially those coco-cola candy .The heart shaped candy filled with sour sorbet in the middle which give an acidic taste when touches your mouth. The sensation will just give joy to any brat.....
*Unfortunately i can't find any pictures of it*
When i was a small brat, i love running around with my friends.Playing chasing and a game call "konda - kondi" .It was sweet time where i have no worries and i ran like i am the fastest sprinter on Earth.I ran like there was nothing else i can do other than running.Shouting while running....that is the excitement of my life then.Laughing with one another no matter who,what and where we from. We don't even care if we are different colours or who is smarter.We are all equal.
Those were some moments of when i was a small brat.I may not have PlayStation or game boy but i did enjoy myself just by my imagination and friends.I will never forget my old friends ....i think i still remember their names.Those brats whom then were my best buddies in S.R.K. Batu Road (2); Gan Beng Han,Ganesan,Zaidaidinor,Sharul Nizam.Those were good old times especially when we explored the so called haunted house which burnt down later on.... good old days when we were brats.....